Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ok, I think I'll start riding again

Brady has been sending the occasional email to me about the U.P. Lunch rides. In a recent one, he mentions dropping someone repeatedly. Man, that sounds like fun. Problem is, I haven't been on the bike in several months. So I won't be able to just jump right in. A few things must happen first ...

First, I need to remove the thick layer of dust from one of my bikes (they all have it, but I'll only ride one at first).

Then I need to squeeze into my XXXL Twin 6 T-shirt that says "Bike Path Warrior" or something.

Then I have to find my white tube socks and tennis shoes.

Then I need to sacrifice a pair of blue-jeans and make myself a nice pair of biking shorts.

Then I need to buy a bottle of Aquafina that is a little smaller than the water bottle cage. It is very important to stay hydrated.

Then I need to adjust the chest strap on my heart rate monitor so my ribs aren't crushed when I put it on.

Then I need to head south on the trail for about 8 miles or so and promptly call my wife to come and pick me up.

I'll be dropping the Wednesday night crew in no time!

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