Friday, December 20, 2013

FRiday night Extra: Sometimes, you just have to read your Spam

Otherwise, you'd never know about things like this:

Hello FRed,
I got in this thing for some finances and…
I’m embarrassed to say, but I traded
like playing the roulette -> I ain’t got a shit!

So when I first heard of this
Profitin60seconds software I was like
C’mon, give me a break.


Anyway, I joined the 30-day free trial and
got so much that…
I wanted to punch myself in the face for
not trying it earlier!

FRed, don’t do like me
==> Go profitin60seconds NOW!

Cheers mate,

* Yeah, the upper case 'FR' in the title is intentional.  That's how all the cool kids do it.

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