But the big fear is that as Apples become more and more like PCs, will they become vulnerable to the same problems? Apparently so. I've only had the thing for like 2 weeks and I've already got the xp virus (see photo).
Actually, it's kind of cool. I first installed XP using "Boot Camp". Then I installed "Parallels" a few days later (trial) just to see if it worked as well as many say. Parallels allows you to run windows as a virtual machine so you can drag and drop files between the Mac and the PC. You don't have to reboot or anything. And the windows performance is supposed to be good since xp runs on intel and everything.
I wasn't impressed. It took longer to start the Parallels machine than rebooting (which makes sense). The VM ran pretty slow compared to just running XP.
The real funny thing was that Microsoft required activation on the virtual Machine and then denied it since apparently the VM and the boot camp machine represent 2 different machines - even though I only installed XP once.
Sure Microsoft changed their minds for some mysterious reason after I rebooted, but anyway I removed Parallels so now, I need to reboot to run the iMac with the xp virus.
Oh yeah - I started exercising again yesterday. Man, that was easy.
I'm sure that picture is to some Mac people what the "Peeing on Jesus" portrait is to some Christians.
So what kind of exercise was easy? Riding outdoors, running, riding indoors. Are you picking up the school thing again for the Spring? How much time you got left to serve?
Oh I ran on the treadmill for about half an hour. That was about all I could handle. I was going to run again today, but I found out they're giving out 60 bucks for biology books at UNO, so I got to get up there. I am going to do the trainer thing for about an hour tonight. Yesterday was my first exercise in about 2 months. It acually was not as bad as I thought. Since it was running, I had to quit once my muscles seized.
Spring 08 is my last semester. 2 classes. Theory of computation and Biology II. Cakewalk compared to last semester. I will be back into the whole fitness routine starting now!
I've decided to quit trying to race and focus my attention on my strength. Blowing by children on the Keystone! Yes I rule (my little realm).
And by the way, if you get Velonews and haven't read the cover article about Taylor "All Twitch" Phinney and Dan "toast" Summerhill, I highly recommend it. They quote Superbad. Good stuff.
how's the new keyboard?
Runnins good. Trainers not so good. But hey, exercise is exercise. I also am not racing anymore. I only hope to somewhat keep up with the fast guys on group rides. That is all I train for, which is why I don't train much.
SWEET, 2 classes left. That's assum. Going on a long vacation after you gradubate? Or just getting paid more?
I don't get the racing bike mags anymore. I kinda like Adventure Cycling Mag since it's nice stories about long rides. Plus you don't have to subscribe to the magazine itself. You can download all the articles and read them on the pdfs. I'll see if I can find someone with a subscription still so I can read that article. I have yet to see Superbad, so I guess I should view that too, eh?
It took a little getting used to. At first I was just using the old blue tooth wireless. When I made it a dual-boot machine, I needed the usb keyboard. After a few minutes, I was hooked. I can type way faster with the new one. Also, I did not realize how the "Mighty Mouse" worked. Apple sets it up to act like a one button mouse as default (which is stupid). I changed the settings so I don't have to use the keyboard to simulate "right-click". I'm so very happy about that.
Oh yeah munson. First see Superbad. Then I'll send you a scanned in copy of the article. Basically, these kids are incredible. One of them is the spawn of Davis Phinney and Olympic gold medalist Connie Carpenter. He won the Jr world TT champs last August by like 24 seconds or something. He started training 2 years ago. He's gonna be good. His best buddy "Summerhill" at 18 is a world class cyclocross racer who recently kicked Horner's ass in some race somewhere.
I do have to admit, that new Mac keyboard looks extra sexy. PCs are way utilitarian unless you go with this. But who wants to spend $150 on a keyboard without a keypad, I mean, really??
Superbad is going in the boobtoob this weekend along with Balls of Fury. Those will be my recovery aids after much running and Santaday shopping.
I may pick up Superbad if I have leftover Christmas money ... which is doubtful.
Fred -- it took a day or so to get the Mighty Mouse figured out. I kept activating the side buttons all the time, which pissed me off very much.
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