Wednesday, March 17, 2010



I weighed in at 199.3. I still weigh too much to make 190 by Shim’s April 1 2010 deadline. I might be able to get down to that target weight by the end of April, though. Then I can get to the serious work of putting all the weight back on. Mmm, that’s going to be delicious.


P.S. Brady, My official handicap index for the start of the year is 23.3 - maybe I should post how that number increases/decreases throughout the year as well ...


munsoned said...


I'm at an all time high of 180lbs right now. That's a far cry from my race weight of 155. Ah, I remember the days when I was complaining about 165. How foolish I was.

So besides not eating, how are you losing the weight?

Flintstone R Cube said...

Thanks Munson. I do kind of a deranged lovechild version of Weight Watchers and Body for Life. Closer to Weight Watchers, though. It works out to roughly 1800 calories a day plus one day a week (usually Friday) of greasy bad food. Mmm, Holy Name Fish Fry. The key for me was when I realized that screwing around on the Basketball court burns at least as many calories as sitting on the trainer. Since my goals are general fitness and weight loss, I have no structured training plan. I usually get in an hour, 5 or 6 days a week, alternating between spinning and basketball. I really like basketball. I always have. I just haven't played it for about 20 years or so. I cannot "Jam" as the kids say, but I can grab the rim to pull myself up and make the shot. Too bad that's not actually legal.


If I weighed 180, my wife would start me on an I.V. drip of mayonnaise while I slept.

munsoned said...

Mmmm...mayonnaise drip.....

I really used to like basketball too. Until it hurt my back to play. But then again, I used to just play 21 and when you have all other people trying to steal the ball from you, you learn to dribble real low. I was never good at the team stuff unless it was at most 3 on 3. My brain couldn't process all 10 people on the court at once while I was running back and forth like crazy.

Kinda like how I sucked at team tactics in bike racing. All I knew was to try a break away. If that didn't work, I just sat in and let the sprint go at the end. All that strategery of team play is too much for my basic mind to handle.

Shim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Flintstone R Cube said...

The best part about what you're saying Shim is this

Shim said...

I removed the pudgy comment, I'm sorry I didn't realize it made you sad.