Sunday, April 08, 2018

Based on a true hallucination (A Western)

A few days ago, I was sitting here at the computer, looking at how awesome my workout was.  My workout was a bike ride. I usually like to stare at the numbers for a while and decide how it seems to be going. I like to find some way to look at the workout that makes me feel like I don't totally suck. Usually, it doesn't work, so I have to just plan to work out better next time.

As I was staring at the charts and things, I started to doze off a little. I snapped back to consciousness to catch my head and was able to recall the words that had been going on as I had begun to drift off.

The words were  "Shadow didn't like being followed by the rider man and told all of his disciples it was good."

This means nothing to me. I was not able to make any sense of it. But that's what the narrator said, so it must be important. I'm thinking that since this comes from some jumbled up thoughts in my falling asleep brain, that if I make up a story where this sentence makes sense, it will be exactly the same as if I had not woken to catch my head.

So here's the story that attempts to put that sentence in context and ends up being exactly what I was going to dream ...

But first, I should note that I have not given this any thought yet. I haven't worked out the story.

When I first wrote down the words "Shadow didn't like being followed by the rider man and told all of his disciples it was good," I figured that if I stared at it a while, the meaning or reason would become clear.

No. I have no idea where to begin with this.

I suppose I could just really cop out like this:

"Wakey wakey, Chad,"

"Hey. Ouch! Cut it out Rider."

Rider was tapping Chad "Shadow" in the ribs with the end of his 6-shooter.

"How'd you get here anyway?" Shadow asked, "I thought I lost you back at the junction. You know, I don't like it when you follow me.  That's what I told the disciples."

"Whose disciples? Mine or yours?" Rider asked.

"How the hell should I know?" countered Shadow.

"Hey you want to go get some ice cream or something?" Rider pleaded.

"And how!" exclaimed Shadow.

"Mount up boys! We're headed to 31 flavors!"

"Yee-Haw!" screamed the disciples, throwing their dusty hats in the air.

Shadow had Butter Brickle and The Rider Man got "Rocky Road," mostly so he could say, "You know Shadow, Ice cream is a lot like life."

Rolling his eyes and with a heavy sigh, because he'd heard it a dozen times before, Shadow said with as little interest as he could muster, "Why's that Rider?"

"It don't matter how rocky your road is, as long as somebody's there to butter your brickle."

At that, they both looked at each other and wept uncontrollably.

The End.

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