Wednesday, March 07, 2018

The lost story of Inky

I don't know who Inky Henderson is or was. I think Inky died many years ago. I am going to try to find out though and I will get back to you.  There are few people who know the story. Maybe there is only one.  Maybe it is not even a good story.  Maybe Inky's last name is or was spelled "Hendersen." It is not for me to say.

Exactly 3 years ago was 6 days before I heard the story of Inky Henderson.  I think Inky was a girl.

I completely forgot everything about the story I heard. It was being told to me by my dad who was drunk. Also, I was drunk. Which is probably why I don't remember the story at all.

But I was not face to face with my dad. We were talking on the phone. This is lucky because even though I was drunk, I could tell it was a great story so I tried to take notes about it as he was telling it to me.

I'm sure that if I had read the notes the next day, I could have put the whole thing together.

But I did not read the notes the next day. I read them just now. I jotted the following down while talking to my dad on the phone on March 13, 2015.

"fred" in the following is not me or my dad. It was his lifelong friend. A 6 foot tall rabbit. fred is dead now.  Anyway, here it is:

fred didnt believe me wed have never gone back but fred thought I was lying.  car stuck

inky henderson.  started going under.  everybdy standed there looking.

house fire the next night. 

Now I honestly don't know if the first line is part of the Inky Henderson story or something else. I will find out.

I have to say it doesn't look good for Inky on "the next night."  It looks like Inky narrowly escapes death one night only to become the victim of irony in the next 24 hours.  I could be completely wrong about this.

I don't know if Inky was in a car that was in water somewhere or if she was just drowning.  I will talk to my dad about this. Hopefully one of us is sober when this happens. 

One thing I do know is that "standed" is drunk for "stood"

To be continued ...

1 comment:

Dan Kuhns said...

Happy to see you are back at it.