Sunday, December 28, 2008



Shim said...

31.5.7. Converting between strings and byte vectors? What gives?

Flintstone R Cube said...

Excellent guess. No. Upon seeing some family christmas photos, I thought I'd better step on the scale and see what a year of golf and debauchery has gotten me. It turns out to be about 31.5 lbs. I'm giving myself until Apr-01-2009 to get rid of it.

brady said...

I was going go guess that!

Factually, my response was going to be "the socially aware Fredcube would lamented about 31.5 million Americans currently on food stamps."

But let's be real. It's all about golf for you now. Hence my best guesses were 1)weight gained or 2) your handicap. Either way, golf was the source of an offensive 31.5

Flintstone R Cube said...

If I have my way, America will be food stamp free, converting between byte and string vectors will no longer need documentation, I will be a scratch golfer at a lithe (svelte) 190 lbs. all by April of next year (2009).

Shim said...

Don't kill yourself, make it April 2010. Besides I think you once told me your wife preferred chubby guys, maybe now you'll get some (sandwiches that is).